Meet Cynthia: Holistic's Director of Client Services Employee SpotlightGuest UserNovember 18, 2020Cynthia Rodriguez, Director of Client Services, HR, DEI Comment
Hiring for Diversity is Not Just Possible -- it's Essential DEI, Workplace Culture, ResourcesTom AlexanderJune 18, 2020Hiring for Diversity, Shared Language, hiring, recruitment, recruiting, HR, talent acquisition, identity, HiringComment
Who's Doing it Well? Hirewell's Employee Celebration Posts Employee Spotlight, Who's Doing it Well, Workplace CultureTom AlexanderMay 10, 2020doingitwell, HireWell, HR, Jeff Smith, Linkedin, CoronaquarantineComment
#DearHolistic: Should our company hire a DEI Director? Dear HolisticTom AlexanderMarch 10, 2020#dearholistic, advice, hrtech, employee experience, employees, HR, human resources, diversity, equity, inclusion, DEI, diversity&inclusion, improving Diversity, Hiring for Diversity, HR ProfessionalsComment
Your Hiring Process May Be Hurting Your Diversity DEI, Needed Change, Resources, Employee SpotlightTom AlexanderJanuary 13, 2020hiring, hiring processes, diversity, Holistic, pipeline, workplace landscape, HR, Chicago, retention, employee retentionComment
Sentiment Data DEI, Workplace CultureTom AlexanderDecember 16, 2019data, holistic, employee experience, workplace culture, sentiment, company, sentiment data, pay equity, maternity leave, Fyre Festival, HRComment