+ What is the story the Holistic Public Facing Report (HPFR) tells us?
At its core, the HPFR is the authentic story of the employee journey at any point in time in an organization. It’s a tool meant to give outsiders a look into the culture and values of an organization in a transparent, real-time fashion. It’s meant to capture the employee voice by providing information that would be useful for prospective employees, clients, and suppliers (among other stakeholders).
+ What is a “transparency report”?
Similar to the HPFR, a transparency report is a tool designed to encapsulate the employee experience in a nutshell. Unlike the HPFR, however, this particular report is meant to serve internal populations only. This means that organizations equip their employees with a higher level of transparency than the general public, thereby sharing knowledge that empowers them with a solid understanding of ongoing progress at the organization and building trust in doing so.
+ Which areas of the employee experience does the HPFR evaluate?
The HPFR is high-level and takes a holistic (no pun intended) approach in compiling various sources of information into a cohesive and comprehensive picture of a company. There are a few crucial categories that make up the employee experience; we strongly advise our clients to include these components in their dashboard. They are the following (examples included in parentheses):
- Holistic Index Score: The Holistic Inclusion Index score is an evaluation of a company's employee experience.
- Employees Rave About (Metrics on topics like “How welcome do you feel at your company?” and “Rate the level of respect you have for your manager”)
- Net Promoter Score, or NPS (NPS Score, Avg Individual NPS)
- Employee Experience (General metrics on Hiring, Perks, etc.)
- Demographics / DEI (% Racial Diversity -- Leadership, % Veterans)
- Benefits & Perks (Parental Leave Plan, Work From Home)
- Compensation (Adjusted compensation percentage -- Gender, Fairness of Reviews)
- Company Culture (Average Tenure, Growth % Annually)
- Leadership / Management (Level of manager care for employees, % Promoted from Within)
To check out an example of how this might look for your organization, view our sample company’s HPFR with the above categories here.
+ How is the data collected?
We collect three sources of data.
- Sentiment data comes from employee surveys, pulse surveys, and focus groups.
- Empirical data comes from analysis of HRIS information and Applicant Tracking System (ATS) data, using Holistic’s proprietary technology.
- Company DNA information comes from our analysis of your company culture.
Each of these data sources is used for our analysis, and elements of each of them appear in the public facing report.
+ How often can the HPFR be updated? Does it update in real time?
It can be updated as frequently as you like, including effectively in real time. Most organizations get on a cadence of a quarterly update.
+ Can we customize the HPFR to meet our needs?
Yes! The only thing that is a must is the integrity of the data – in other words, you can’t just decide to change a number to make it look better. This is where Holistic comes in – we guarantee and support the accuracy of all the data that is shown. But everything else – what you choose to show, where you choose to show it, how you present it – that’s all up to you.
+ Can this be used for company goal setting?
It can be, and we certainly recommend doing so. In fact, many HPFRs have the company’s goals as a part of their customization. However, similar to a dashboard tool that monitors your credit, the report will periodically constantly change and is best used alongside a memorialized set of goals to provide a baseline and a comparative against which to work towards measurable and impactful goals. Think of goals as an organization’s final destination, and the HPFR as a compass to help your team get there.
Like any tool, the HPFR is made up of a set of inputs and outputs. When change is undertaken by an organization, over a period of time the data (inputs) begin to reflect that and the HPFR reflects those changes, as well. A powerful data story is one that puts DEI and the employee experience front and center. Actionable change comes from taking that data and using it to help guide decision-making.