+ What is the problem this tool is trying to solve? What is the story the tool tells us?
Our tool addresses the problem of identifying how diversity flows through a company’s pipeline. The data we collect allows us to understand the company’s success in having a fair and inclusive hiring process. Our tool conveys contextual information to understand areas of success and opportunities for improvement in one succinct and easy to understand report that you can monitor over time.
There are separate sections for each demographic population you want to look at. The left hand column underneath those sections breaks down the hiring process from initial application to final offer. As you move across the row, you can see the proportional increase or decrease from each stage of the process.
You can choose the population you're examining through a combination of the descriptor demographic and filters. The filters at the top allow you to specify the date range, department, job title, and source. Without applying filters, the tool shows the average breakdown of the full population across departments over time.
+ What do the green, blue, and red boxes mean?
Green boxes represent a proportional increase from one stage to the next and the red boxes represent a proportional decrease.
The numbers in the blue boxes indicate the quantity of the pool that matches that demographic.
+ What do the percentages and other numbers in the box indicate?
The number on the left is the number of people in that demographic who made it to that stage of the process and the percentage represents the proportion of that demographic compared to the overall population.
+ Does this automatically update? Do we have to continuously send data?
This tool updates off of the last time you provided data from your ATS system. The cadence at which you provide data is up to you.
We use the tool to look for areas of inconsistency, inequity, fluctuation, or other impediments as it relates to how candidates flow through the hiring process. When we break down patterns, we can identify the exact challenges and address them with customized solutions. For example, if there aren’t enough women applying to a certain position, perhaps there are issues regarding the job application or description. If there are challenges around Black candidates getting interviews, maybe we need to look at the resume review process. If Hispanic people are more likely to turn down a job, we may need to look at the process of how you offer jobs.
+ How do we measure success?
There are three ways to measure success. First is by assessing how you are doing now, at this very moment. The second is by assessing whether or not our changes are leading to overall improvement over time. The third way is to contextualize your data in terms of competitor and marketplace standards, which requires outside data / research as well.
No. Our tool is designed for a broad analysis of your hiring process. It is useful to understand whether or not your hiring processes are equitable and to identify systematic trends.
Yes. We use sophisticated estimation tools to accurately determine categorization based on the data we receive from your ATS system. So, when candidates are unidentified, for any reason, we can use these tool to create macro-level, accurate analyses for large populations. These tools are not used to identify individual candidates; rather, these are used to provide demographic estimates across your whole field of candidates. The number of estimations is included at the bottom of the tool.