Welcome, Yu! Employee SpotlightGuest UserFebruary 22, 2022February 2022, 2022, Data Analyst, DEI, Welcome Yu, Yu Tao, University of Chicago, Public Policy Analysis, data analysisComment
Welcome, Senling! Employee SpotlightGuest UserFebruary 2, 2022Welcome Senling, February 2022, 2022, Data Analyst, DEI, research assistant, social science, Senling ShuComment
Meet Al: Our New Data Analyst! Employee SpotlightGuest UserJune 10, 2021Zhuangbo Xu, Al Xu, Data Analyst, data visualization, Georgia Institute of Technology, Penn State, Shanghai, Industrial Engineering, data, June 2021, 2021, Meet Al Our New Data Analyst, employee spotlightComment
Meet Mike Bueno: Associate Consultant & Data Analyst at Holistic Employee SpotlightGuest UserMarch 5, 2021Consulting, Data Analyst, Mike Bueno, Happy Hour, Employee ExperienceComment
When It Comes to DEI, Engage Executives and Avoid Excuses Workplace Culture, DEI, Employee SpotlightTom AlexanderMarch 5, 2020Holistic, Data Collection, Data Analyst, DEI Analysis, Executive Goal Setting, Tom Alexander, Acasia Wilson FeinbergComment