Happy Birthday Holistic!
On Saturday of this week, Holistic turns three. It's often said about parenting that the “days are long but the years are short,” and I am feeling a bit of that nostalgia about our company as we celebrate this milestone. We have much, much work to do, and so our celebration will be muted and restrained, and focused toward the future, but we are all very proud to have made it this far and looking forward to what we will accomplish together in the coming months and years.
We did a little activity on social media this week, where each of us was sharing a nice memory of our time at Holistic. And I have so many memories and things I am proud of from these three years, but one stuck out in particular. When we started Holistic, we didn't formally launch it, publicly, right away – rather, that announcement took place in June 2018. As part of our announcement I had my son Ben – then 6 years old – interview me for a little social media post.
I had totally forgotten about all of this until recently, when I was looking for a different video, and I stumbled across the interview. I watched it again, and what struck me was that the things I talked about in the interview seemed very familiar to me. Those are the things that we do, in essence; that is how I spend my days. And thus it was a very gratifying exercise and moment, to see that three years in, though we have much work to do, we're basically doing what we set out to do, and I'm excited about that.
Before I move on to the news and notes from this week, I want to thank everyone who has been a client, partner, supporter, or who has taken a chance on Holistic in any fashion these past three years. We are extremely grateful for all of you. As we often say, a startup is basically imaginary until it's not. And the only way it becomes unimaginary is when the things that we're thinking about and doing connect with the things you are thinking about and doing. Over the past three years we've had thousands of those connections, and there are millions more to come. We are grateful for each and every one of them, and all of you.
Some of our team’s favorite memories:
An October COVID safe get together in the park.
Kat and Sheila meet for the first time in person!
One of our first 2021 happy hours with our new teammates.
Tom and Matt looking professional.
Ending 2020 with a Holiday happy hour.
Throwback to Holistic’s 1st Birthday.
Sunny Li, Sheila Shenoy, and Tom at a pre-COVID event that hosted by one of our clients.
Kat working as a program manager for Female Strong’s YEA! Chicago program.
No caption necessary.