Welcome, Jack!

We’re excited to introduce Jack, one of our winter interns! Learn more about his role as an intern, his career goals, and who he admires most.

Tell us about your role as an intern at Holistic. What do you do? Who do you work with?

As an intern in the Operations team, I mostly work with Tom and Tanja in the field of business development: examining and analyzing businesses to identify potential clients. In addition, I also look forward to checking out and working in different roles with people outside Business Development.

Where do you currently go to school? What do you study? Can you share a few of your career goals with us?

I am a Junior currently studying Economics at Northwestern University. After graduation, I hope to get into the field of consulting, though I would be interested in other fields such as marketing. Ideally, I will also be able to work on art and comedy in my free time, eventually doing gigs that allow me to express a more artistic side of me.

What makes you excited about working for Holistic?

Two things: the mission, and the work. I believe that aside from the day-to-day tasks, one important aspect of work is the mission to which you're motivated to work for. At Holistic, I find the mission of a people-centered workplace really appealing, and I know that this mission means that I will also get ample support to succeed, and to make personal connections beyond my internship here.

The second thing I'm excited about is the work itself. Not only do I get to conduct research on potential clients, but I also have the opportunity to try out a variety of different work at Holistic. Lastly, I really look forward to getting to know all the wonderful people at Holistic!

What do you do for fun?

In my free time, I like to draw, play chess, go on walks, play video games, or watch movies/YouTube/shows. I see drawing as a good way to express myself, I find chess to be an intellectually stimulating game of strategies, and see walks as a good way to get fresh air and reset. Video games and movies/videos, depending on the content, can offer a variety of things such as adrenaline, laughter, knowledge, inspiration, or expression.

Who is someone you admire?

Way too many people. There are positive aspects of so many different people that I wish to emulate.

One such person is actually a fictional character: Jack Dawson from Titanic. I believe that he is the embodiment of living to the fullest: taking risks to seek adventure, living in the present, and not being afraid to break some norms for good.

Two in-real-life people I find qualities to emulate are Selena Gomez and Andrew Yang. The reason I admire Selena Gomez is because she really cares about her fans, and she never lets her fame get the best of her, which isn't always the case with celebrities. As for Andrew Yang, I think we - regardless of politics - can agree that his willingness to think outside the box and go against great odds to present a vision he believes in while having fun along the way, is something to learn from.

What are you listening to at the moment? Watching? Obsessed with?

In the past week or so, I have been watching a good deal of Netflix and YouTube. As you probably read from my last question, I am pretty obsessed with Titanic: the plotline fills you with adrenaline, the scenes and lighting perfectly present the mood, and the music is... well, all really well-placed masterpieces to go with the various scenes. Another movie that I just watched and would recommend is The Interview.

My favorite YouTube channels would be Kurzgesagt and OverSimplified. They both utilize simple graphics to explain complex concepts of science and history, respectively. OverSimplified has the added bonus of incorporating numerous funny skits into the explanations.