Who's Doing it Well? NAACP’s Empowerment ETF
One of the most frequent questions we receive — and try and answer at Holistic — is “Who is doing it well?” It’s always been really informative to hear the good ideas others have. After all, as we say, there’s no IP in inclusion. This feature will highlight creative ideas from other companies. Check out the whole list here or submit your own suggestion below.
Overcoming systemic injustice will take effort from the masses. The problem cannot be solved by one person, or even by one sector; we cannot leave any stone unturned. In the business industry, The Empowerment ETF is a financial product meant to assist in fighting racism.
TL/DR; The Empowerment ETF from Impact Shares NAACP is making a difference in the business realm for investing in diversity and equity.
Impact Shares of the NAACP set up an ETF to invest in diversity, equity, and inclusion.
What’s the Big Idea💡: Impact Shares set up an ETF that tracks the Morningstar Minority Empowerment Index and is the “only financial product that explicitly addresses issues of racial inequality,” says MarketWatch.
Why it Works: In a time where fighting systemic racism is on the forefront of everyone’s minds, investors have shown themselves to be keen in putting their money into something that will spark big, meaningful change. People are looking to help in any way they can, and as the fund’s worth only increases more and more each day, there is proof that investors’ help is working.
(Not So) Hidden Value: Some argue that to succeed in the American corporate realm today and also prioritize charity can be an inherent contradiction. But the NAACP has created a fund that allows for investing in diversity, equity, and inclusion to occur in a successful manner.
For more information about the ETF, click here.
Written by Hayley Mirabile