
The Holistic / ITA
Tech Salary Survey
for 2020


Holistic and ITA have joined forces to conduct a comprehensive tech salary survey.

All companies that participate will receive access to the full results. (Contact information will not be linked to their survey responses.)*

Those that provide full data (positions + tech + years of experience) will receive a free, basic tech compensation analysis from Holistic.

The survey is open through February. The results will be shared shortly after. All information will be presented anonymously and absolutely without connection to an individual's or company's submitted answers.*

To participate, fill out the form below, which contains a spreadsheet to upload your data. Two examples are provided on the spreadsheet, along with instructions in column I.

If you have any questions or need assistance gathering this information, please contact us at info@holisticindex.com.

Thanks, in advance, for your participation!

— The Holistic and ITA teams


*Holistic works to safely secure confidential information from companies and their employees. For more details on Holistic’s anonymity and security protocol, click here.