Being Positive Without Being Disingenuous: Introducing the Holistic Public Facing Report


Let’s make up an imaginary person. She is a potential employee, and her name is Marcela Rodriguez; she identifies as both Hispanic and as a woman. She is a data scientist. 

You’re the CTO or VP of Engineering for one of the hottest tech companies in town; you are doing interesting work and are always on the lookout for great people, so Marcela is obviously of interest to you. She’s talented, looking for a new opportunity, and even a nice person.

Too bad you’ll never meet her.

* * * 

Employees are more important than they’ve ever been and more in demand than we ever imagined. They are motivated by all kinds of things these days -- not just money -- and they have the ability to be selective. And selective they are! Employees are choosing to pursue (or not) jobs all over the place based on many factors, most related to the employee experience your company offers.

To wit: We already know that 2/3rds of candidates are looking at the diversity of your team and your leadership before they even think about applying for a job. That means, if they don’t like what they see, you’re never going to meet them. They’re going to be your company’s version of Marcela Rodriguez.

It is harder than it has ever been for a company to tell its brand story, even though telling your brand story is more important than ever before.

Allow us to introduce the Holistic Public Facing Report.

The Holistic Public Facing Report is a new product that we are proud to launch this week at Holistic. It is designed to help your company attack these exact challenges -- to tell your story in a straightforward fashion and give your company the voice it deserves and needs.

Here’s how it works. We conduct our Holistic analysis of a company, develop scoring and metrics and everything that we do, and then we produce this report automatically. It is populated with real information in real-time, and your company has the ability to choose not only what you want to display, but also to fill in information about how you are reacting to or what you are doing about anything that is in the report.

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For the first time we give you a chance to proactively and honestly tell your brand story, and you can leverage our infrastructure and credibility in the process.

Take a look at a sample of our Public Facing Report here.

The report will live somewhere on your website, or ours, or both, and we’ll provide you widgets that can go into email signatures and job descriptions. Now, all of a sudden, the nature of the conversation has been totally changed. No longer is it about a potential (or current) employee trying desperately to find information and being stymied. You are driving the conversation.

Here’s why this works. There are four major forces in business these days, and these can work in your company’s favor or against you. The forces are transparency, positivity, proactivity, and honesty. (1).gif


The power of transparency is basically overwhelming and revolutionary. Although we are living in the age of transparency, where technology has mainlined access to information and digital exhaust chronicles our every movement, action, and thought, the idea of transparency is more jarring than ever. This is particularly piqued in the employee experience. So much of the employee experience -- whether in the hiring process or once you’ve got a job -- is about transparency (or lack thereof). And the notion that a company would be exceedingly open about what is going on is still relatively novel. Yet, virtually every job seeker or employee is constantly seeking information. Our public-facing report and widget lets you weaponize transparency and use it to your advantage.


Proactivity is transparency’s cousin. So many employers are completely reactive -- we’ll give you a raise, but only if you ask. We’ll give you a promotion, but only if you come in and make the case that you deserved one a long time ago. We’ll launch a new benefit, but only if you demand it. We’ll wait for you to ask us about diversity and inclusion at our company, and then we’ll give you a half-hearted answer as to what we’re doing about it.

Instead, we work with our clients to control the discussion. We steer the conversation on our terms and we give you a chance to make the first and most important argument. If everyone is going to ask you about your diversity numbers anyway, why not figure out the best story you can tell, and tell it first?


Around Holistic, we like to point out that life and work are both hard enough; they should be fun as well. We simply do not believe that every company has a bad employee experience, that every worker is ultimately going to be taken advantage of or let down, that every job ends in unhappiness, or that over time people are going to get screwed.

Rather, what we believe is that everyone has a story to tell, and a positive one at that. Every company -- even the worst out there -- has some good things going on, and some things on which they can improve. So that is where we start our efforts, and that’s what the report allows us to do. We help you put your best foot forward and highlight what is going well, while at the same time having a chance to address what needs improvement.


All of our work is data-driven. You have to “earn” the right to brag. Basically, any company can pop out there at any time and make a case for why it is a great place to work -- this is a bit like asking the barber if you need a haircut. Of course, they are going to say “yes.”

But how does one sift through the noise and figure out who is blowing smoke and who is being real? That’s where the data comes in. By having our entire report predicated on hard, true facts -- data-driven conclusions and analysis -- we are able to maintain and ensure a level of honesty that is hard to come by ordinarily. On top of that, our imprimatur -- as an independent third party whose value is around ensuring honest conversations -- is extremely valuable in this circumstance.

Every company is trying to put its best foot forward. We help you do this more effectively. Using data to drive results, presenting them independently and honestly, being forthright and transparent and real  -- all of this is now on the table for the first time. 

We are extremely excited about the Holistic Public-Facing Report because we believe that it can be an incredibly powerful tool to help companies tell their stories and make sure they leverage these four incredible forces that are outlined above. 

These four forces can be everything in your battle to attract and retain amazing talent that will drive your company to the future. That is because these forces will either work for you or against you as you build your company, your employee experience, your employer brand. But, for the first time, you get to decide.